Winnie Meets Yummy

Created by devorahcrupar 11 years ago
I have sooo many Winnie stories tucked inside that it will take the rest of my life to recall all of them. Winne and I met as coworkers in 1972 and from that time on, I never lived without her being a quick walk or phone call away. I remember her describing the house she wanted to buy in Baldwin with a 14ft hearth. I immediately knew which one because I had spent many sweet years of my childhood in that place when it was a YMHA. My dad's handwriting was still on the electrical panels in the basement! So, in 1990, I received my fourth child through foster care. I was walking in front of the fireplace, Yummy (aka Fluffy aka Alex) snuggled in my arms, Winnie in 'her spot' on the sofa and said, "Isn't he the most beautiful baby you ever saw?" She replied, "No, but it's sure good YOU are his mother!" And yeah, he was scrawny, so sickly and pasty looking....but she knew what mattered was that I thought he was beautiful! And that kid never knew a moment in his life without Aunt Winnie's love.